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PCAFI Ordination Introduction
Institute for Ministerial Training and Leadership Development – Ordination Course
Introduction to the course and a video presentation by Bishop Lambert W. Gates, Sr. about the vision of the Pentecostal Church of the Apostolic Faith International.
This introductory course provides catalog links to purchase all required courses, links to the courses after purchasing them, a tracking method to watch your progress and the link to print the transcript that is required by each district’s board.
PCAFI Christology
Course Description:
In a polite society, for two people to get to know each other in a meaningful way, names must be exchanged. These same two people then intuitively associate particular qualities of the other individual with the name of that person. In human/divine relationship, it is not enough for God to know our names; we must know God’s name. David Norris presents a historic, scriptural and scholarly understanding of Oneness movement and the revelation of the fullness of the Godhead in Jesus Christ.
Text Book Description: I AM: A Oneness Pentecostal Theology by David S. Norris
The author engages hundreds of academic works to construct a particular kind of argument. Rejecting a triumphalistic reading of church history, he argues that the first-century church had a very specific christological confession, one very different from what the church later came to believe. Combining theological, biblical, and historical method, Norris works to demonstrate that this christological understanding is biblical, historical, and logical.
PCAFI Leadership II
Course Description:
Eugene Wilson’s addresses one of the divine mandates for the fivefold ministry. While there would appear to be a resistance to any type of apostolic authority in our independent Western culture, we tend to be aware that God has chosen to lead the church through the fivefold ministry (Ephesians 4:11). Tragically, we often ignore one of the primary purposes of this fivefold ministry, “. . . the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry. . . .” (Ephesians 4:12).
Wilson demonstrates how great leaders such as Moses and Jesus recognized that the success of a God-ordained vision hinged on the development of a team, rather than embodying the Lone Ranger mindset that has plagued many leaders. The doctrine of the church being the body of Christ implores contemporary leaders to mobilize His hands and feet in our local congregations in order to realize a God-sized vision. Everyone needs a team. — Brent Coltharp, Lead Pastor of First Apostolic Church in Aurora, Illinois (from the Endorsements page of Seventy).
Text Book Description: Seventy by Dr. Eugene T. Wilson
Many leaders like the concept of having a team. Unfortunately, some church leaders function more as an owner rather than team member. Seventy helps church leaders fulfill their role in building, developing, and working with teams. It offers insights into the challenges of doing ministry as a team and practically addresses how to overcome these challenges. If you care about the church, believe in apostolic ministry—following the apostles’ example—and want to experience the Book of Acts in the twenty-first century, this book is for you. Everyone needs a team.
PCAFI Romans
Course Description:
David K. Bernard presents Romans from the Oneness Pentecostal perspective, which he believes to be the most biblical, apostolic viewpoint. The author and course instructor purpose is not to defend a denomination or a preconceived dogma, but to exegete and analyze the Book of Romans. At the same time, he has attempted to incorporate insights overlooked and issues undiscussed by authors of other doctrinal persuasions.
Text Book Description: The Message of Romans by David K. Bernard
A thorough, readable exposition with emphasis on the major doctrinal points. With outlines, definitions of keywords, insights from the Greek, and a clearly labeled discussion of each verse.
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